7 bad habits that will keep you from getting rich - We Richest - We Richest


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7 bad habits that will keep you from getting rich - We Richest

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1. Overspending:
You simply can't get rich spending more money than you make, whether it's buying a car or house you can barely afford or racking up a credit-card bill.

2. Reading only for entertainment, or not at all:
Reading with intention is a top habit of millionaires.
In Corley's study, 92% of people with minimal assets did not read to learn. "Success requires growth. That growth comes from reading and educating yourself on a daily basis," he writes.

3. Toxic relationships:
It's hard to sever ties with people who may be holding you back. But if you're serious about setting yourself up for a rich future, it has to be done, Corley says.

4. A single stream of income:
Many of us rely on one job to make money, but that's not how future millionaires operate.

5. Engaging in negative self talk:
"I'm not smart or educated enough." "It's not my fault." "Life is a struggle."

6. Having no plan:
You don't need resources beyond your own imagination and determination to make a plan for the future.

7. An unhealthy lifestyle:
Unhealthy lifestyle habits — like excessive drinking, unhealthy eating, and minimal exercise — don't lead to wealth, according to Corley.

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